A smiling group of seven women in aprons poses together in a culinary workshop setting, ready for an engaging activity.


Earth icon to indicate a small businessMicrobusiness
Shield with heart to indicate the year when a business was established
Medal icon for Trusted hostTrusted host

Discover the art of gastronomy at currysutra®, where we curate exquisite culinary experiences through bespoke cooking classes + dining, and immersive events designed for the discerning palate that celebrate the harmony of food, wine, and culture.

From team-building escapades that blend fun and food to workshops that turn aspiring chefs into kitchen ninjas, there’s never been a better time to dive into the delightful world of flavors and festivities!

Currysutra is a trusted host

Finding a host you can trust is hard. It's the reason why we created the trusted host badge. Only hosts who ran at least one successful Spaciously event get this badge. Look for the trusted host badge next to your host's name on each listing.