A can of Bamboo Pilsner is poured into a glass with a small palm tree decoration against a blue sky backdrop.


Earth icon to indicate a small businessMicrobusiness
Shield with heart to indicate the year when a business was established
Medal icon for Trusted hostTrusted host

We take our name from dokkaebi (도깨비), the mysterious, shape-shifting creatures found throughout Korean folklore. Described as playful and mischievous spirits, the dokkaebi loves to eat, drink, and be in the company of others.

As a lover of good times and good company, our dokkaebis have come with a mission to experiment with beers, especially with their favorite ingredients from all over Asia. Some you may love, some may challenge the palate, but that’s ok! Because Dokkaebier is continuously creating new, fun flavors to keep your taste bud tickled.

Dokkaebier is a trusted host

Finding a host you can trust is hard. It's the reason why we created the trusted host badge. Only hosts who ran at least one successful Spaciously event get this badge. Look for the trusted host badge next to your host's name on each listing.