A woman pours chai from a thermos into a terracotta cup against a bright sky backdrop.

Noon Chai Co

Earth icon to indicate a small businessMicrobusiness
Shield with heart to indicate the year when a business was established
Medal icon for Trusted hostTrusted host
Hello, I'm Asmaa, the founder of Noon Chai Co. I'm passionate about chai and my Pakistani-American heritage. During the pandemic, chai became my solace. It evolved from a memory to a daily ritual, inspiring me to create my own masala chai blend. In December 2022, I launched Noon Chai Co to share my love for chai and culture with the world. My journey is fueled by family and a supportive community. Join me in savoring the warmth of chai and its rich heritage. Follow my adventure with noon chai co and experience the magic of chai. Remember, it's chai, not chai tea. Cheers to the journey!

Noon Chai Co is a trusted host

Finding a host you can trust is hard. It's the reason why we created the trusted host badge. Only hosts who ran at least one successful Spaciously event get this badge. Look for the trusted host badge next to your host's name on each listing.