A barista examines coffee samples, holding a cup and spooning from bowls in a coffee tasting setup.

Balam Organic Coffee

Earth icon to indicate a small businessMicrobusiness
Shield with heart to indicate the year when a business was established
Medal icon for Trusted hostTrusted host

Balam is a small coffee roaster located at the original farmers market.

My husband Gustavo and I are both coffee roasters and Q-graders, and life-long coffee learners. We host weekly classes at our shop and provide team-building experiences learning about coffee!

Balam Organic Coffee is a trusted host

Finding a host you can trust is hard. It's the reason why we created the trusted host badge. Only hosts who ran at least one successful Spaciously event get this badge. Look for the trusted host badge next to your host's name on each listing.

Team activities by Balam Organic Coffee

Someone pouring latte in an artistic way
Latte Art Class in Los Angeles
 per person
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A group of people tasting coffee
Coffee Tasting Class in Los Angeles
 per person
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