Kasa Chai

San Francisco
🤝 Verified Host

About us

Suresh and Anamika launched Kasa Chai in 2008 in their original Kasa Indian Eatery restaurant, and it’s had a cult following in the Bay Area ever since.

Today, they are proud to share Kasa Chai with tea drinkers across the United States and to open America’s eyes to what a real cup of Chai should taste like.

Book an experience

Chai Tasting
🏷️ $
 per person
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About Spaciously

Spaciously is a collective of small business owners who run team-building events. We vet every experience on our platform and price-match.

Kasa Chai

 is a verified host

Finding a host you can trust is hard.
It's the reason why we created a Verified Host badge.
Only hosts who ran a successful Spaciously event get this badge.
Learn more about how to become a verified host here.