Earth Day: Meaningful Team Building Activities

Earth Day is a fantastic occasion to bring your team together. We share 17 easy team-building ideas.

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day historical background

Earth Day started in 1970 when Senator Gaylord Nelson wanted to raise awareness about environmental issues. The first celebration involved 20 million Americans taking part in rallies and activities to support a healthier planet. Now observed every April 22nd, Earth Day has grown into a global event dedicated to environmental protection and sustainability.

Earth Day cultural significance

Today, people get together on Earth Day to plant trees, and run community cleanups and recycling drives to promote environmental care. Many schools and organizations hold educational workshops and events to raise awareness about environmental issues. People also participate in eco-friendly practices, such as reducing waste and conserving energy, to show their commitment to protecting the planet.

Earth Day facts

When is Earth Day celebrated?


Earth Day symbols and traditions

  • Beach cleanup
  • Tree planting
  • Earth globe

How to celebrate Earth Day at work

Every human can get behind Earth Day, regardless of religion or political beliefs. So, Earth Day is a fantastic occasion to bring your team together.

Communities worldwide and generations to come will always share one thing—the desire to be safe, to contribute, and to enjoy Earth’s resources:

  • the land, where our food grows
  • the air we breathe when we gather outdoors
  • the natural resources, from which our tools are made

Earth Day is about appreciating and preserving our natural resources for each other.

How to do Earth Day team-building

  • Make your activities fun and connect them to your company’s values:
    • Is your core value family? Explore how the great outdoors helps families bond.
    • Is your core value equality? Volunteer for a clean water access project.
  • Try new practices that will stick beyond Earth Day. For example, buy a dishwasher and let employees use their favorite mugs instead of disposable cups.
  • Support local non-profits and small businesses. Your employees will see how your efforts improve their communities.

How not to do Earth Day team-building

  • Greenwash Earth Day, e.g. buy everyone shirts that say, “Save the Earth.”
  • Design complicated one-off exercises. For example, if you set up a family garden at your office, you need a plan to maintain it.
  • Support initiatives that aren’t tangible to your employees. It’s better to spend a day helping a local farmer than to donate to a global organization.

Why celebrate Earth Day with your team?

  • Disconnect from your usual routine
  • Give your team a feeling of accomplishment and community
  • Support a local non-profit
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Earth Day team-building activities

Our Earth Day experiences are light-hearted and fun. Some take place outdoors, others will help your team get crafty with Earth-friendly materials. Plus, we added a volunteering experience, the proceeds from which go to a local non-profit.

You can book all group activities on Spaciously with a few clicks. All prices are upfront. All hosts are small business owners: instructors, artisans, and creators. You also get a dedicated coordinator to smooth out all logistical details.

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