Rosh Hashanah: Exciting Team-Building Activities

Rosh Hashanah is a perfect time to bring your team together to celebrate a new year's renewal and sweetness.

What is Rosh Hashanah?

Rosh Hashanah historical background

Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year celebrated by the Hebrew people for millennia. It honors the creation of the universe and the power of God. Rosh Hashanah (“the head of the year”) ushers in the Days of Awe, ten days of introspection and repentance that culminates in Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement. The festival begins on the first day of the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar, called Tishrei.

Rosh Hashanah cultural significance

Rosh Hashanah is a time for family to gather, a time for prayer, a time of reflection, and a time of releasing past errors and returning to the path of being one’s best self.

The shofar is blown to call the people to wake from their sleep and to focus on God.

The apples and honey are eaten on the first night of Rosh Hashanah so that everyone will start the new year with sweetness.

Rosh Hashanah facts

When is Rosh Hashanah celebrated?

Two days in September or October

Rosh Hashanah symbols and traditions

  • Shofar
  • Apples and honey
  • Round Challah
  • Tashlich

How to celebrate Rosh Hashanah at work

Rosh Hashanah is a time of renewal and reaffirming faith. Gather your team and have them reflect on their work for the last year. They can affirm their commitment to their work and share ways in which they feel they lived up to their potential or perhaps failed to live up to their potential—knowing that a new year is beginning and they have a fresh start to make changes in the coming year.

Bring your team together to enjoy Apples and Honey, Round Challah bread, and other Jewish foods.  As they eat these sweet treats, they can reflect on the sweetness of life and the coming new year.

Host a brown bag session about Rosh Hashanah and see if your non-Jewish team members have similar cultural celebrations. Some things to try during the brown bag session:

  • Bring apples, honey, and round challah bread. As your team enjoys these sweet treats, they can reflect on the sweetness of life and the coming new year.
  • Play the blowing of a shofar and chat about how the experience felt. Did it wake them up? Did it remind them of the sounding of horns at some important moment in their lives?
  • Turn to the things you want to let go as a team to have a fresh start together. Have them write on slips of paper their regrets or things they feel they may have done wrong or if they may have said or done or said something hurtful to another. Do not let them show what they have written to anyone else. Collect all the paper strips and shred them.

Why celebrate Rosh Hashanah with your team?

  • Give your team a chance to taste the sweetness of life
  • Embrace a fresh start on a new year
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Rosh Hashanah team-building activities

We've curated fun activities that involve sweet treats or give your team space to disconnect from their everyday work and have a fresh start. Remember to check out our home page for hundreds of activities in your city!

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