Brooklyn Comedy Collective

New York
Fun Skills
🤝 Verified Host

About us

The Brooklyn Comedy Collective (BCC) is an alt-comedy theater and school in East Williamsburg, Brooklyn, with a mission to produce irreverent, fearless shows from a wide range of voices, pay its artists, and inspire students to approach performance from a place of joy and fierceness.

We believe in the power of collective decision-making, ensuring a diversity of voices are at the table and that everyone is treated with equity. We celebrate anyone who wants to let their freak flag fly.

Book an experience

Improv Class
🏷️ $
 per person
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About Spaciously

Spaciously is a collective of small business owners who run team-building events. We vet every experience on our platform and price-match.

Brooklyn Comedy Collective

 is a verified host

Finding a host you can trust is hard.
It's the reason why we created a Verified Host badge.
Only hosts who ran a successful Spaciously event get this badge.
Learn more about how to become a verified host here.